The honey bee's life is in 6 stages after emerging from the comb. The honey bee's observed hovering around vegetable gardens, fruit trees, flower gardens are at the last stage of their estimated 45 day lifespan. Bees perform specific tasks from day one.
Stage 1. First 2 days are spent making the bed they emerged from to make ready for the next generation.
Stage 2. By day 5, the older larvae have been fed.
Stage 3. By day 11, the younger larvae are fed.
Stage 4. By day 17, producing wax, carrying food, building hexagonal combs, undertaker duties.
Stage 5. By day 22, home security
Stage 6. Beyond day 22 to 45th day, on average; leave hive and return with pollen, nectar, water, etc. for the community without complaint. Do they rest?...