Known by many locals as; Doran Park, Doran Beach. Doran Regional Park is a Sonoma County regional park south of Bodega Bay, California, U.S.A. Covering an area of 127 acres. Driving directions: California Highway 1; Located at 38.314°N 123.0428°W Coordinates: 38.314°N 123.0428°W on the sand spit separating Bodega Harbor from Bodega Bay. The park address is 201 Doran Beach Road, Bodega Bay, CA. Overnight camping is available in designated areas. The Jetty entrance awaits visitors at the end of Doran Beach Road to fishing for a meal or pass the time watching the activity in, out and surrounding the ocean entrance to Bodega Bay.
If you are traveling with R.V. there are places to book a space. Call ahead for reservations is...
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